Friday 13 February 2009


Do you ever find that the person you are annoyed at the most is yourself?

I have a friend I wont say who. but they had anything that makes them sad. they dont debate with people as it makes them feel down. they don't watch sad movies. they are set on having fun. I completely admire this person. althoughit just rise questions in me I admire the childlike nature of just having fun and celebrating the fact that god gives us laughter.

I am an optimist with anything that doesnt involve myself. I love the world around me. I love God and I have an amazing life. so why still aren't I happy. I hear time and time again that God completes your life he fills that gapeing hole in you, and he does. Just why do we still always want more. Is happiness really just being content with what you have? as in happiness not wanting more?

Over my travels I have seen people who have next to nothing yet they are happy. I want to be a person who can lose everything but still praise GOd, to still be happy just to have him. to praise god for the laughter.

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