Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Band of Brothers

I do the lovefilm thing where I pay certain amount every month and then get movies sent to me on rental. I truely recommend it. I have ended up saving fortunes. I now can resist my urges to go into my overdraft when I go to Tesco and see the shining for £3.

I have recently been getting the Band of Brother series. Basically you follow a company of america airbourne soldiers and watch there advenures during World War two.

I know you shouldn't have favourites but I do. I guess the really shocking thing about the series is you watch them for 12 episodes and your glued to it to find out out of all these amazing characters who will make it until the end and the thing is you have no idea.

It is not like a thriller or a crime mystery. You can't work out the end. Its one of the most heart-renching, tense and surprisingly beautiful series I have seen in a long time. The way

(I say Beautiful because the teamwork, family and love these men have for one another is inspirational)

Its recommended greatly!!!!


  1. I'm half way through watching it. I happened to be watching it with a certain stinky person before he buggered off to the States. Can't say i really have the desire to continue.

    But what i saw was amazing
