Sunday, 13 September 2009


hey guys and girls,

basically I have started a new blog. its been around for a while I kept it private but I have decided to make it my official blog (so there is lots to read if anyone is bored) loads has changed since I started this one and I just sort of fansied a fresh start.

so Its been made public and if you would like to follow then feel free the address is ...

(I think the blog count is nearing 15 on it)

P.S. Cleggy is a nickname I was given from my brother when I was tiny (like baby little)

Monday, 31 August 2009

so I listened...

So I listened to charlie and to Crofty (from SS) and decided to take a risk or too. It worked I understand that taking all risks wont end well but this particular one did. Risks are hard, scary things.

Its putting yourself out there, making yourself vulnerable but hek the end result may be greater than you know.


Sunday, 30 August 2009

i flipping love charlie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i flipping love charlie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 9 August 2009


Today I turned 21

In 11 minutes (from the time I started to write this it is anyway) I will be 21 and 1 day old.

Birthdays are strange days. Why say 'Happy Birthday'? You are basically saying 'I hope you have a nice birthday'

But why not hope that everyone has a nice day everyday? I dunno,

My first conversation was about a pornographic picture on my brothers wall in detail with Helen. We ended up naming the four girls who were asleep, in very little clothing. (very grown up)

I got sang to at church, (also awesome service John) I got lots of hugs and kisses from my church family at GBC. I then got Kidnapped by Chloe and a gang of others to Cambridge where I was brought Lunch and sat on Parkers Peace munching and relaxing in the sunshine, before being taken home for a scrummy sunday lunch, with Penny, My Godparents, My Grandma and my Folks.

I got a mass of Texts and Facebook messages (at least 50) which is a real blessing to have so many people who want to wish you a good day.

I enjoyed it. I feel older I feel my age, maybe because of my new found exceptance of my age. I no longer want to be 17 again.

Dont get me wrong it rocked at the time but there are a lot of benefits of being this age.

On Saturday for an example me and my mum spent the whole day together shopping, when I was 17 I could have never done that. I have a lot more knowledge now which comes from getting older in regards to general knowledge, to a deeper relationship with God and in who I am too.

My friendships are stronger too. I have less aquaintences and more good friends.

I dont want to go out and get drunk. whats the point when you can have a social drink and talk more and have just as much fun?

I dont want to watch meaningless junk on Tv or read stupid books that wont teach me anything. I want to grow, learn and have fun.

I am lonely dont get me wrong but I dont want to go and selfishly fill my needs of comfort, love and affection with the opposite sex I want meaning and a relationship that is built on more than selfish need.

Anyway It is now the 10th of August.

Happy 10th of August everyone!!!


2 posts in one hour will make up for my lack of posts recently.

Today I had a conversation with one of my friends and I ended up getting angry. (which I am not sure whether or not I have a right too but I couldn't really help it)

Over time Lots of my friends have self harmed. I have even been prone to do it myself but in less graphical ways.

I dont want to make anyone who may or may know of someone that does upset or get moaned at by this blog so please dont. like I said this is just how I feel at the present moment in time.

I have the friend perspective. If any of you do self harm I am not in your shoes and I dont understand how It feels to be you so If any of you do or have considered doing it I dont want you to be upset by what I have written. Please don't leave comments.

I may not know how it feels to do that but I do know how it feels to stand by and watch.

Don't you get how it feels to stand by and watch!!! See more and more scars appear on your body. To watch you get addicted to it, to watch it become part of how you define yourself. Don't you see how that

Im bawling my freaking eyes out here because my heart is broken.

Don't you see how much it hurts us. the people who care about you who sit by and know that when you stop you have to stop for yourself so we sit and listen. who keep your secrets even when it at risk to themselves, Always wondering when are they going to go too deep whether tommorrow morning when we wake up and you won't. We cry for you, pray for you. Beg God to stop you from feeling the pain and lay it on us instead.

Don't you see that it is selfish to do it, Whether or not you believe people love you or not. I freaking do and I cant lose you. I can't. I love you too fraking much. Do you realise what it would do to me. To your parents, to the rest of the people. I won't ask you to do it for the people who cry for you. I won't ask you to do it for me.

But fight. freaking fight. don't just do it for the easy way out. don't just give up. Fight it. Fight the voices in you head. Love exists because you love others. You love your mum, your little sisters and brothers, your friends, your boyfriends, hek you might even love me.

Fight for yourself, for the fact you deserve better, for the fact you have worth. fight for the fact that it doesnt just effect you. fight for the promise of an incredible life with God. Fight for the fact that Jesus went through a 1000 times more pain than we will ever experience for you.

know that self harm is not something you only do its something you do to your friends, to your siblings, to your parents. when you cut, or punch or starve yourself your hurting us too.

now I am going to stop. I have released my anger and I am now going to go and write my third blog of the night.

Abey baby

I was thinking about writing a blog on Abe for a long time.

It was recently the last Ignite actually when I realised just how huge of a part he has had in my life, whether indirectly or directly. The bloke gets a lot of stick. (I gave him a great deal) but still when I needed some one to stand up for me. He fought my corner.

I was thinking of times when I started to do Rock Solid. I so scared to be around people I put a bit of a bonkers confident mask on but Abe reasurred me and encouraged me to do it. It is now because of that encouragement that GBC feels like home and the people feel more like my family.

He was there when I came back to church after months of doing a bit of a Jonah and doing the opposite of what was right. I was a youth under him in which I learnt a great deal about what it meant to be a christian.

He challenged me throughout my times of being a youth leader making meditate more on my hows, what, and whys?

He has watched me grow, prayed for me, and sacrifies his own needs for me.

Today I turned 21 I am an adult everywhere in the world. It a bit of a big day but you know what. Abe has had something to do with getting me this far. He has mentioned a few times how I have gone from a scared nervous public speaker to giving sermons and part of that was his encouragement and faith in me.

Today I also found out his Mum has died. My heart is with him, I have a lump in my throat for his sadness and I am praying for him. I want to do something to help something to ease the pain but I know only Jesus can do that. Although this is happened. I am willing to bet money (well I am not but I am certain off it ) that Abe will be trying to work out how to get back to Zambia and make in back in time for Soul Survivor not for any other reason than to serve the young people of GBC.

So Abe If you ever read this, Thank you!! I am sorry for all the times I have moaned at you and for all the times I have been unkind.

I thank God for revealing to me how huge of a part you have had in my life just so I could make the most of your time left in Goddie and not take our friendship for granted anymore

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Cars, Idiots and Legs

Ok so I am an idiot!!!

A complete one!!!

This car situation sucks and if I am honest I have spent the day feeling sorry for myself.

I went to Uganda and met people who had nothing. Most of those I met slept on the ground. some where street kids for goodnesses sake and I'm moaning because I am now going to be without a car for a few months.

God has let this happen for a reason. Its a learning curve. God is in it. Therefore him being in it will make it a good thing.

I will find a way to do everything. If I can't well that means he proberly doesn't want me to do it anyway.

I am annoyed at the other guy but for all I know he could have been made bankrupt and not be able to afford insurance.

Yes, its wrong and breaking the law. but I have also done stuff that broke the law and is wrong and the only person who has the right to judge is Jesus. Not me!!!

So yes I was annoyed but yey jesus has just (once again) opened my eyes.

I am such a goof and an Idiot.

I am now quite excited about the adventure God is going to take me on with public transport and my bike. Bring on using my legs!!!!!

Monday, 6 July 2009

I hate...

I hate insurance compannies. I hate them I hate them I hate them. Well I don't I hate the person who lied and said that I stole his indentity. I hate the fact that it has been over 2 months and still nothing has been done. I hate the fact that it causes far to much stress to be worth it.

All I want is a car that works (and is legal for me to drive) thats It. I brought a car, I paid for the insurance. I paid for the repairs. I worked hard to do that. no all I ask is that my car get fixed.

Thats it. simple. I am meant to be going out tonight but no instead I am waiting to talk to this lady who will determine my fate. On whether or not I have a car anymore.

No Car. No church. No visiting people. I will be stuck at home.

Oh the joy of it.

On the bright side (as i am trying to be optimistic) It stopped raining

Friday, 3 July 2009

so today

no theological talk nor indepth emotional gush

Today has been a nice day or more the evenong has been I have many rather comical moments. Its been good.

I went to Tesco's and brought some Passion. You would think after 2 weeks I could open them by now, but not a chance. It exploded in my hands quite spectacularly in Tesco's car park. (Didn't I feel cool)

Went to RS and spent the evening with hyper lads. (always a highlight of my week) But tonight I noticed the change in them. the way god is changing them. I am Incredibly blessed to see that and to be a part of it.

Blake and Ross also told me how much they missed me while I was away. (was rather touched to hear that)

I also got shown two places in which Joe George was sick. (and the sick was still there) ewwwwww but rather funny at the same time as being minging!!!!!!!

I then went to the Priory and saw the Longsands guys. (although most werent there as it was only the guys) and had a good catch up with them.

been a good night!!!! Got to see lots of people I love

Friday, 12 June 2009


Stealing Sophies blog title.

tommorrow I am going to Uganda . I was kinda scared I wouldnt have time to do this. But a huge Thanks to everyone who helped and contributed.

Jodie - thanks for your expert cake making skills

Helen - thanks for shutting up for a day

Homegroup - Legends as always

Jasper - for letting me rant at you when stuff doesnt go to plan

Joshy - For giving me your money

and for everyone else who has been so supportive and kind.

Love you all.

Thursday, 4 June 2009


Is a really hard book of the bible to get your head round.

This post is not really about that specifically, Its more about the past year.

Its kind of amazing really how much God has revealed himself and how much I have discovered about myself in the space of a year.

I usually do a little spiritual thought about the previous year using Soul Survivor as a marker but I find myself thinking about this a lot. in a sense It makes me so happy to be able to see these changes.

I have learnt to check your heart to keep check on the motivations behind why I do things. To make sure the reasons In my head why I am acting/doing something are the same ones as my heart.

I have learnt that I have no Backbone and that I have got a much firmer understanding around my faith (which is God) I have learnt to keep Faith even when the logical answer is in the opposite direction and that i am not as good as I thought I was.

I have learnt that you can have low self-esteem as well as being big headed. I think I have also learnt to accept myself more too.

As well as looking at my past and the world around me from a different perspective than I used too.

I just pray that it continues.

Clearing up

Ok this post is for one person particular who was hurt about something I did or more something I didn't so. Im incredibly sorry about that. I acted like a bit of a Prat (a bit of is the understatement of the century)

I dont want to write excuses insteed I Want to clear stuff up.

I didn't tell you for two reasons both are ridiculous and stupid and I feel like a complete plonker for writing this on my blog.

First reason is well because I miss you so much.

I miss our conversations about everything not just about books and movies but about our faith, our parents, how are perspectives are changing. our friendships with people. I miss talking about cheese slicing and about sex. I miss having you come up to me bouncing around like mad being excited over stupid things.

I didnt tell you, well as awlful and as horrible as it is because I wanted you to miss me a bit too. I wanted you to miss me like the way I miss you.

second reason is even more lame

I built (as I always do) a little wall around my freaking out ness. I told precisely 3 people about my accident everyone else found out down to people talking.

Helen, Luke and Jasper. Helen told her mum, then her mum told Abe. then Abe told the pray patrol at church (thats not there name but its catchy and reminds me of a superhero) and the leadership team hence stuart, Steph, And the sheffords finding out. Oh and i announced it at RNA (but it was a party for me that I had just shown up to an hour late crying)

Point being telling people knocked down my little wall that was with holding all my freakingout ness and everything I have been with holding in the last couple of weeks. telling the people I cared about made it harder to hold it in.

Yes, I shouldnt hold it in anyway and yes I would be upset and angry if I was in your shoes so Im sorry. I acted like an Idiot and I was selfish and well a Cow. I should of told you even if that meant an emotional breakdown.

I love you and I hope at some point you forgive me

Monday, 1 June 2009

just to clarify...

And just to clarify in my post on my new bucket list.

I basically mean In my life my Aim is to glorify God. In everything. I want him to come first and I only want to want my desires If they please God. Empty things are pointless.

I want God to come first so if such things dont please him. I want to be able to give them up joyfully.

If that makes more sense or less sense I dunno i understand it lol


Im in a good mood today.

today has been a good day for me.

I handed in my last uni essay. Yey

Sunbathed on Jesus Green in Cambridge with a pint in one hand and the grapes of Wrath in the other. Although I was ooogling the men playing football. (sorry)

had a shower (which I realise is quite dull but it was one of those overindulgent hour long showers where you come out all prune like)

I went for drive in my loan car like an awesome one.

and Penny is coming over momentarily. been a good day

My mood is trampled on a bit though a lot of my friends are really struggling at the moment. One has moved back with his family and im not sure when he is coming back. Im kind of lonely without him here which is quite selfish really when he is going through so much. Another friend is so stressed her hair is falling out. I wish I could help them I really do.

Please Pray for these people.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

my new bucket list

I have been thinking recently about his partly because what was brought up on Sunday and partly because of my own guilt (if thats the right word)

I dont need to do all those things I wrote before sure they will be awesome life experiences and I aim to do them at some point but I dont need to do them.

I want to be happy, content with my life. I want to be able to need God and only him. To only seek to please him.

I want to want to be able to do these things without having all my other selfish wants and "needs"

but I won't give them up as much as Iwant to say that I will happily give up everything for God I still crave the daft things. like a marriage and a dog.

I pray that God will teach me how to just want him and nothing else

Family V's Church

Since I was a Teenager I have battled with my Family regarding this.

I think at the time I was just so selfish and overwhelmed by feelings that I could not grasp the other side of the picture.

With recent arguements with friends (if we can even call it an arguement) I realised how very important it is to see the other side of the situation.

I realise now that the fights and the rows we had were not that they objected to me being a christian but more that I was doing something that they didn't understand and I was (in a sense) growing away from them. I became someone they didn't know and there daughter changed completely at a distance from them.

I was living with them but I was also so far away.

My family are bound to be upset at the fact I consider my church 'my family'. and are bound to some degree feel left out when I go to the church for help, for advice, for comfort instead of them.

I guess what Im trying to say is I was an idiot. A complete one. Parents are people too. I didnt look at it from both sides and for that Im sorry.

They still get upset and still dont understand but they arent going to until they become christians themselves.

my living situation and family life is not ideal but its home. its been so hard but I didnt make it easier. If my Parents ever decided to read my blog. Im so sorry. I love you and I hope I make you proud (even if that does mean I dont become a millionaire and instead live in a shed)

Please Pray that the years of arguements and misunderstandings that have created this rift inbetween us is removed and that our relationship is repaired and that maybe just maybe christ's light might shine through me.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

As Promised

So as asked this is a post about the car accident as everyone seems to want details so here they are:-

driving to uni to hand my second to last assignment in (yey) stopped at a roundabout as a car was coming (you have to give way to the right) Man behind me (in a very nice Audi) didn't see me and ran into the back of me. I then flew across the two carriageways of the roundabout and was actually on it.

We then (with the help of the man who hit me who was very nice) got my car of the roundabout and drove to a safer location.

I called the RAC because well my car didn't look to good. (the backseats had popped out of position and gone down because of the crash)

Once it was ok i then got in my car was escaughted to uni to hand my essay in and then escaughted home (by the same man)

I then went to the doctors who said I needed to go to A and E which I did well because I was going in to shock and I have a whiplash injury.

Phoned the insurance company then went to rock solid and broke down like a baby.

God really protected me If a car came round that roundabout and hitted me I would have been a lot worse off. and the chiorpracter person said if I wasn''t so hyper flexible in my back and neck the damage would have been so much worse.

My car looks like it is going to be a writeoff. but Thats ok. God has reminded me out of this not to underestimate him nor the good will of others.

My best friend came home. My old school friends paniced and I have had so many phonecalls and texts from them over the last couple of days than I think I have for there intire time at uni. And I was reminded how much like home my church is and how amazing and wonderful it is to go to. (I was also reminded that buses smell like pee)

Thanks to everyone for loving me and being so fantastic.

(the insurance company have provided me with a loan car. and for giggly purposes its a brand new mishubishi my dad is so envious)

Saturday, 16 May 2009

heart broken, grumpy and looking on the brightside

Yesterday was a bizzare day.

very bizzarre

I got hurt not badly well it depends how you look at it. I honestly want to put the covers over my head and live like that what a nice little life. sleeping and reading just in your own little bubble where things cant go wrong and people dont expect anything of you or moan or hurt you.
So Tempted by that right now.

but I guess I wouldn't have as much fun as well like knowing people are willing to fork out money to come and see you just because you are crying. or run up to you when you show up to your own party crying and steal you away to calm you down. and praying with you and lots of worried 11-14 year olds who care about you and friends who remind you to giggle and realising that people are there. I could give up and run away, I could easily I could jack it all in and move to Stafford like I have wanted too for years, I could be that person who lives in her bedroom until she is 50.

But how much of live would I miss out in. I could give up. I could give up my beliefs, my life, my friendships, uni, being a youth worker, my family.

all of these have been options over the past few weeks. yesterday was the tip of the iceberg but it also helped me realise a lot. I could give up I could climb under my covers, I could kill myself, I could give up.

but I would miss out on so much. park days with friends, Laughter, Alton towers trips with biscuits. getting jumped on at Rock Solid, personal in depth one on one chats, Listening to Jackie sing, Being hugged (not a lame fluffy one a real emotional one when you can feel the love) - for the record I cant believe I just wrote that. the Exhibition pub, when your insanely on fire for god and all you can do is jump up and down. and love.

Ok so stuff is not exactly perfect. Im in a really bad mood and Im just waiting for the next bad event but its worth it. the good stuff is worth the bad.

I dunno how I feel I guess the title says it all really.

Thursday, 14 May 2009


just trying to avoid thinking.

my arm hurts I had injections and now Im going a little loopey. the lady/nurse/doctor said I would and after a couple of hours I will be fine again.

my head hurts too the person said it would

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

ALton Towers, Ultimate Event and random comments


I was once again in Awe at the amount of things 12 year olds can teach you and just how unselfish they can be.

Blake and Sam are truely Incredible and are going to Grow up into two very good and cool blokes.

Good Music, Good Food (even if Jasper doesn't agree), Good kids, Good rides, Great day.

I realise this tells very little of our adventures of the day but I just loved it and will take away some fantastic memories. So Thank you everyone that helped make it so special.

Friday, 8 May 2009


I hate text arguments language gets conbobulated and people take things the way they definately were not meant to take them.

as Helen said things have been weird on both parts we have made mistakes because well we are human.

Im not going to say what the arguement was about nor talk about it any more quite simply because I love this girl far too much to let something like this stop me from loving her.

Both are hearts got broken tonight and both of us ended up in tears. funny how we are connected like that.

But If Im honest I would much rather she breaks my heart a million times takes it out on the ground, grates it pours vinegar all over it and stamps on it and makes me cry so hard that I die of dehydration than not have her in my life at all.

So for now, I don't know where I stand. but if Im honest i never do I just go from day to day just doing the best that I can and seeing where I end up.

I hate the fact that I see her once in a bluemoon and when i do usually millions of people are around or its a crisis situation. I hate the fact she lives 4 hours away and I hate the fact we ave to scheld in times to talk. I hate the fact that she is so much smarter than me and has so much more confidence in who she is as a person. I hate that when she walks in a room it lights up. I hate that she is a million times cleverer than me and uses big words. I hate that she is so Beautiful and can get any guy she wants. I hate that she has this whole new life in Bristol and I'm getting left behind (is not fact is just how I feel at present state) I hate that I secretly love all these things.

I love all these things.

I love that she is different from me and she writes on her blog when she is annoyed at me even though she knows I will read it.

I love how bad we are at shopping and I love how random she is at cooking.

I love how when she laughs her eyebrows go up and I love how her hair changes colour every other day.

I love how comfortable she is with herself and i love how she keeps changing and growing as a different person. I love how much braver she is than me and how she takes charge.

I love how we can go to bed at 10 and still be awake giggling about stupid things at 4am. (like hands) I love our history and I love our godly friendship. I love that she is passionate. I love how when i ask her to keep my feet warm she does

i love that she is the first person i can ever remember giving me a hug.

I love that she hates a certain person. and I love her strength. I love what she has done in my life and I love that she guided me to become a christian even though she wasnt herself.

I love her - in the simplist terms. I love her, I am for her and I will support her. i will drive down at 1 in the morning hek I would walk/run (might take me a while longer)

Saturday, 25 April 2009


Oh in case you don't know


yes, the capital letters are a display of my excitment.

I am unsure on whether or not to take it particially down to the fact that it costs £6000 (yep thats a lot) and with my parents financial situation at the moment I do not know whether or not I am being selfish by taking it.

If I get myself into a mess (this is me the chances are pretty high) they wont be able to bail me out. I know they will try because my parents are amazing like that my mum would proberly sell a kidney. If I take it, is that going to mess my parents up more financially.

I'm even unsure whether or not I want to do it or not. soul survivor is huge. chances are if your a young christian in the UK you have heard of it. It does festivals all around the globe. It is this huge organisation. Is that me? One of the things I love about GBC is its quaint little homey atmosphere, It is not huge, Guanteed I dont know everyone but I know enough people to understand the things that go on there.

Soul Survivor is massive like i mean in its 1000. I know every christian makes up the church but is working for a huge organisation me?

I have no idea.

please pray into this for me, so that I work out what to do and that what ever path I take its Gods will.

I told you so

Im all better now.

Im happy I just read Roseannas blog and that made me happy.

God is good, people aren't always. things go wrong and opinions change. and people can break your heart, the devil can make you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. you get angry at the state of it and then it makes you punch walls.

What happened to me this past week and a bit (as i realised) I didnt exactly give a great deal of infomation. was the devil got into my head and started playing rugby in it.

My uncle eventually died, My brother is heartbroken.

I realise that bussinesses crumble and friends lie, Families insult and homeless people have rubbish thrown at them.

I realised than loneliness is an epidemic and proberly one of the most dangerous plagues in the world. and that people surprise you. and sin is easier than doing whats right.

(I would like to point out I always knew such things they all just appeared to me at the wrong point)

The devil got into my head and played rugby.

Then, a good friend helped me realise I wasn't alone. Another reminded me that the bussiness is all materialistic. My brother and me had a conversation about God and the whole freewill/deterministic thing.

The family issues surrounding my uncle and what is going on there are slowly but surely resolving (well my nan is actually talking to that side of the family now)

The Devil played rugby in my head, nnd God turned the sprinkler system on and washed him of the pitch

Monday, 20 April 2009


No surprisingly It isn't the beatles lyrics. (sorry)

Yesterday I woke up with the feeling that something was going to happen to change my life as i knew it.

I was right.

It wasnt just one thing but the whole day. It was filled with heartbreaking little moments. I cried myself to sleep last night due to everything. I got up early and punched a wall (sorry charlie)

I love God that is never going to change and i trust him but damn my stupid human mind. Im so mad at him, my heart is completely broken. Im mad!!! All these people I care about are either screwed up (no offense) or in pain. I'm annoyed at myself more than i am with God I just want to point the finger. Great now i have come to that revelation Im crying more. Im completely useless.

I know good will come. I know it will but everything is such a mess.

(I would like to note my mood will proberly change tommorrow I have just had a couple of rough days. Gods in it. Its just my own stupid mind. everything will be ok quite simply because goodness still exists)

Thursday, 16 April 2009

I am having a lovely week

i have decided to through away seriousness for a moment and talk about how much of a lovely time I am having. I am incredibly blessed. its not perfect but Im happy. short and sweet
love you all xx

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Sunday servcie

Last Sunday was awesome. The creative metaphoric visuals that were used in the service and how so many age groups involved was amazing.

God really spoke to me today. twicw actually the first one was int he service itself. I have blogged recently about a few of the things that have been on my mind, my family, finances. I have kept most of it private just purely down to that I don't want to bore anyone and I am more of a suffer in silence type. God told me that everything was going to be ok. He gave me such a calm, undeniable peace in my heart, i can lose everything I have ever known but it is all in his hands. I am going to be ok. I might not have my perfect world (werid that I am on the brink of losing it all and it is now I realise how perfect it is) Im going to be ok.

The next thing is really difficult to explain so I am sorry if it becomes an incoherant mess. I have always felt like there was something wrong with me like I was different in some way. like there was something that wasn't quite right. I was talking to God about this and he told me that this thing was a good something. it wasn't something that was a hinderance or a problem it wasn't a bad thing. it makes me unique it makes me beautiful.

Our God is amazing wooooo

Tuesday, 14 April 2009


funny how we becoming defined by what we do or think? Criminal, Genius, artist, Chav all are titles we give people and thats how we end up seeing them.

The breakfast club is a brillent movie. It stars some of the 80's brat pack. I won't ruin the movie for you but the basic idea is that their are a group of five students who go into detention. each one fits a sterotype and well you realise that actual these people have an alwful lot in common with each other.

I remember very clearly a friend of mine speaking in church about why he didn't like someone. he could not realise why people were laughing. People weren't use to that honesty it was refreshing. Another friend stood up at an ignite session and laid out all her struggles and difficulties.

I admire these people and aspire to have more of their courage and honesty. I put a face on, I act, think, do, say everything in order to please everyone around me. My life and who I am is pretty much run around everyone around me. Therefore I am a completely different person around lets say my parents and my friends. I get lost in who I am and who I really am.

By measuring myself by other peoples standards this pushes God to the back. an image is a copy of something, the image is defined by whose image it is. Genesis 1 v 26 says that we are made in God's image. My identity, my sense of who I am comes from beyond others and beyond myself. It completely is dependent on him.

I've spent so long trying to accept my own worth and my significance that I didn't even realise how selfish I have been. It isn't about me, my image comes from God, to be able to find out who i am, who I really am, this means I need to seek him.

Please pray that I apply this to my life and that these aren't just words but I actually apply it to real life and I can change my thinking pattern.

Monday, 13 April 2009

accepting acceptance

I've mentioned it before but I am reading this amazing book at the moment called mirror, mirror. I will be putting in a few of the key points from the book but I wont do it justice.

I guess one of things i have discovered about myself is that I aim to get peoples approval. I have always felt that I am not good enough and that I have a need to be a certain way for people to love me.

This book really showed me that the worldtells you in order to be loved you need to have something loveable about you. A nice smell, a cute nose, a vibrant personality, blounde hair.

But the big point is we don't deserve to be loved.

This is not written to lower anyone self esteem but we dont I most certainly dont. I'm Selfish, I lie, I seek approval and praise (point being that I don't deserve it, by me stealing it God doesn't get the glory - more on this in a later blog)

Back to not deserving to be loved (got sidetracked)

God loves us anyway. We dont deserve it. We dont have lovable attributes we dont need them. God has so much love he accepts us as his children. he accepts the unacceptable.

So excited in the fact that I am completely unacceptable but I loved anyway. prayers please that I learn to accept that I am truely accepted.

Wooo our god is awesome

Friday, 10 April 2009

i promise i didnt just write that penny ur a loser

My blog has been invaded

Penny is borrowing my blog to rant as a tester. love you

raychels amazing i love her very much. she is always there wen i need a sholder to cry on. she will always be my friend. i will neva forget her. she is beautiful and funny and caring. dont eva forget that raychel! there are lot of people whp love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

I'm annoyed

I realise that this does happen very often, but I am Fuming.

I have been having conversations with various people and Im livid. Anorexia, Self Harm, Hating ourselfs, Hurt all of it is caused by other people and the stuff they say and do.

Something Charlie said in a previous blog "Words hurt" they do and it does lasting damage.

I spoke to someone tonight who I had hurt badly. I have not let on or blogged about it before just purely because it hurt so much. I let them down and selfishly the hurt that I felt was the guilt was the pain from missing them and the pure hatred I had for myself for doing that to someone I love (funny how we repress stuff?) This person phoned me (from a foreign country) cos he wanted me.

I got bullied and beaten up so much when I was younger I know the damage that can be done. the fear and the words begin to shape who you are. Those LIES you are told, (and they are lies) begin to be believed and begin to shape who you are. I now have to have a light on when I sleep and Im to scared to take chances regarding the opposite sex in case I get hurt again. Incase they hurt me again. I know I hurt people, I know I am. Part of my anger and my annoyance is at myself for doing these things but another part is the sadness that I am surrounded by these broken people.

Everywhere I look there are people feeling useless and unloved. They feel they aren't right like there is something wrong with them. Im mad and crying my eyes out and how human and screwy we really are. We break each other and hurt them with words.

Surrounding us our images telling us if we look, act, buy, do a certain thing then we will be happy. Thats not how happiness happens not really. Disney films (and others) say happiness is finding your true love. that isn't how you get happiness. Happiness is being content, happiness is finding the strength in who you are to drop and release the lies of being to fat, or to ugly or not being worth anything. Happiness is embracing and truely embracing the fact that Jesus has set us free.

If I have ever thrown a comment your way or broken your heart Im sorry. I pray that these comments these Lies that bond us and bind us into being half of the people we could be. I hope that we are truely set free.

Day three at the Shefford residence

I love house sitting for the sheffords. Charlie told me it is because I don't do anything.

Usually I make to do lists in my sleep get annoyed at myself when I dont do everything I need to do. so for the last three days I can honestly say I have done very little.

fractured a bone in my finger

Made a cake for Pennys family but this became quite dangerous for my car

fed a turtle and watched it eat out of pure weridness for nearly an hour

laid on a trampoline chatting and catching up.

went to work for half a day

played solitare

watched twilight twice

had late night vistors

I have absolutley loved it. My brain sort of emptys out and I have time to think I dont think I have mentioned the word planning or youth or amsimilation (its a model of immigration) once.
Charlie thank you for making it so fun.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Its been ages


Its been so long, I feel like I am catching up with an old friend, how lame is that the fact i assosiate my blog with old friends. So as it has been ages I have decided to give a bit of a sum up.

Anyway my computer died and with help of lots of various people we worked out that I proberly couldn't fix it without an alwful lot of cash and effort so my incredibly amazing parents decided to get me a laptop. I am contributing money as well as doing bits and bobs around the factory which is cool actually.

Down to the recession and Engineering in the UK suffering at the moment my parents are really struggling. Its so sad to know that the bussiness they set up from stratch and have endured so much to run is likely to shut down after 30 years. I could blog on this for hours and my feelings on it. but I dont want to bore you all. so please pray. for me it is more the emotional loss of a place that has so many memories and is full of people that I have known since i was born . that place has shaped me and in a sense become part of who I am. so If God is willing please pray so that my parents bussiness survives. I also want to point out that my own feelings towards the factory and the bussiness will be nothing in comparison to my parents stress, upset and general emotional rollercoaster so please Pray for them.

Other News, I am trying to get all my uni assignments done for May so I can fundraise for Ugnada. I am planning to write loads on that in a bit.

I had an interview at Soul Survivor with Crofty and ali for Called to Lead a Gap Year programme that i was planning to do after university. It looks like such an amazing chance. If I am honest I have no idea about how it went, I was so scared, usually I dont get nervous over stuff like that but this time I had the whole thing sweaty palms, shaking, babbling so I dont think I gave them the best impression. I dont quite know where God is leading me after university but as long as he is leading me I really don't care.

anyway thats just a quick sum up as I used to blog everyday now it feels like forever. so expect an overload of stuff on here momentarily.

Once again thank u for your prayers they are greatly appresiated

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Me and Luke

Me and Luke are annoyed. I know this seems to be a daily event but please pray. We appreciate very much (am with Luke now and yes we realise its 2 in the morning. Its a very Rachel/Luke like thing to do) but please pray for us. that we stop being grumpy and that God guides us.

also please pray for my interview with Soul survivor on Thursday. thank you

Im sorry I am not blogging much (darn PC's that get viruses.) I promise to begin doing it again properly as soon as my computer is all fixed.

Oh and Ann thank you very much for the encouragement, I really appresiate it.

Friday, 27 March 2009



just so everyone knows my computer has died. like completely. I cant do uni work or check emails or anything so just a quick note that I cant check emails or facebook or anything so if you want to contact me please do via mobile.

Also please pray for my computer. I feel a bit lost without it. Uni work is non existance and I really need to write my essays. so please pray that I can keep all the current files on my PC and for the machine itself.

Thanks xxx

Monday, 23 March 2009

Stop it

The title for this post is my attempt to stop myself from feeling sorry for myself. God has given me some incredible blessings over the last few days and yes lots is going wrong but I need to keep positive and remember that Im not alone and some of those blessings.

I Know Jesus (always a plus)

I have all my limbs

I have all my senses

I have a Itunes collection of 13gb so I can always find something I am in the mood for

I have a car

I have friends

I get to be a bridesmaid

I have a house with running water and fridge full of food

I have people that I miss (yes I miss people but the reason I do is because I love them)

I have a phone

I have music

I have my art

The view from outside my window

I can read

God is teaching me stuff and im learning things through the pain

I am blessed with the gift of the guys and girlies at Rock Solid

and all the incredible people who continually amaze me from Ignite

I have my health

I get to see U2 in concert

I get to see Elbow in concert

God is blessing my friends (which is awesome)

But most of all I am surrounded by people who Love me, which proberly is second biggest blessing (after God of course)

so really what on earth am I playing at

Friday, 20 March 2009


I'm doing an all nighter with Luke. somehow we are managing to do this on a fortnightly basis. He is such an amazing guy. and such a beautiful person.

Today has been awesome I got asked to be a bridesmaid, and found out im going to go and see U2 and elbow in concert with Jasper. (so excited) plus had rna so always a bonus.

I also found out that my uncle is getting worse.

for those of you who dont know he is currently in hospital dying. I felt quite bad at the fact that previous to tonight I didnt really mind. I know how alwful that is. I mean I havent seen him since I was 10 so I was not really upset. I was more worried about my dad and the rest of my family. 3 people we currently know are on there death beds (sorry its such an alwful expression but I didnt know what else to write) and this sunday its the anniversary of my grandpa's death so emotions are on high anyway.

I asked to pray about it at the end of rna tonight which we did but something jeremy said hit me.

He asked me whether my uncle was a christian and whether anyone was witnessing to him.

my answer was no and I dont know. I feel alwful. this man is going to hell. Its bad enough that he has missed out on such a liberating, whole life by not knowing jesus but this man is dying and is likely to go to hell all because I tell him.

I feel guilty about this. I feel bad. I wonder whether i should drive up to Northampton and talk to this man who is unconsious at the moment. should I go and tell him about the gospel? does he know Jesus loves him? can he make a descision like that while unconsious? If I don't will this be hanging over my head? Has anyone else ever told him?

Tonight in 15 minutes Im driving Penny down to Gatwick airport to put her on a plane for 3 weeks while she goes to morrocco to build bridges and stuff but should i be driving in the opposite direction? north insteed of south. Im so blimbing confused. I leave stuff to the last minute but this is insane. We thought he was going to die on Wednesday. If I don't go and he dies I will feel guilty, If I do I at least know i tried. I know it shouldn't be a factor but my family would murder me if they found me doing that. what the hell should i do? (wrong use of words) Why haven't I spoken to him about it sooner? Why did I never tell him about Jesus?

do you ever wonder why?

Do you ever wonder why you bother?

In my most recent episode of band of brothers there was an incredible moment where one of the lads was screaming 'why am I here? Why am I fighting this war?' at a lot of german soliders who had just surrended. he used a lot worse language but it made me think.

On Sunday -

I was meant to be doing a bible study but some people couldn't be bothered. They had other things to think over. Things that mattered more apparently. They didn't realise that one of the answers to the questions that we were meant to be looking at was the solution to there problem all along.

I was meant to pray but people did not think it mattered anymore.

This broke my heart.

It made me question the point in trying to teach people stuff if they 'can’t be bothered' to learn about it? It made me question what I was doing and my reasons for doing it.

I criticised the youth work at GBC a lot last year which was very wrong of me. I did not have the facts and i passed up all the good that is there. I realised how hypocritical i was in this and if I hurt anyone im so sorry for that. I wanted the opportunity to grow, learn and be challenged but when I got it I didn't make the most of it. I realised that the more you put into it the more you get out.

A lot of the time we are so quick to criticise we forget about the people who put the effort into it. like the hours of prep work that go in to it and the kindhearted people that are willing to teach even when I am difficult. I thought about my own recent senerio's why bother? If people dont give a damn (sorry for language) and can't be bothered then why should I give up my time and my energy to give them the opportunitys that they want. that they asked for, when they can't be bothered to use them. so why bother? Why do it when I could be doing stuff and teaching people who actually want to learn who can actually be bothered.

Jesus once told a man to sell everything he had in order to glorify him. This man sulked away. he felt unable to complete the task that Jesus had set for him. He couldn't be bothered. His possessions meant more to him. I wonder whether Jesus wondered why he bothered?

Then I remembered why:-

In the band of brothers episode, they discovered a concentration camp and liberated it. That is why they went to war. To Make things better for those who were in alwful situations.

My first reason is to bring God Glory, so that people will worship him. So that people will get to know him. so i can please him because I love him and because he is amazing.

I pray because Its how I talk to my dad. In a recent rainbow sheep issue Jodie talked about having a real, everyday relationship with God I believe that by me praying I get that. (the more I pray the more stuff that happens) Its how I talk to my dad. It doesnt matter how much I screw up or mess up he always sorts it out and amazingly he still wants to talk to me. I pray so I can get more and more of an everyday real relationship with Jesus.

The reason why I read the bible, is because its his word. he speaks through it. He guides me, and tells me what he wants me to do, Its the Past, present and Future of my walk with Jesus. it holds the answers to every single question about life back then and now. i read it because I can get closer to my God.

I believe that doing these things can change your life and I pray that I never pass up the opportunities to do these because I'm tired or can't be bothered or find youtube more interesting.

Another reason why I bother is because I love the kids, I love the young people. I selfishly love it when they come up and hug me and tell me they love me. I love it when I can join in with them and mess about playing stupid games. I love being there for there first boyfriends and seeing them when they overcome there battles. I love seeing how there relationship with Jesus changes. I love helping them and I feel honoured when they come to me for advise or just to chat. I love seeing how they change and how they get more confidence. I love how I am able to cry with them and laugh with them. I love it when they overcome there fear and pray outloud or preach. I love watching there faces light up when they get something right. I love being able to call these people my friends and my family. Thats why I bother because I love them.

Please pray that I don't take my eyes of the reasons of why I do such things. Please pray that my disappointment and annoyance don't overshadow my love for God or for the people I do it for.

(I also hope this blog hasn't upset anyone, I was not written in order to do so but more for prayers for my feelings upon the matter. If it has done I'm truely sorry)


Today I was asked to be one of Emilys Bridesmaids.

I said yes

I have worked out this means I have to wear a dress but I dont care. I get to share this amazing day with one of my closest friends and do all the cheesy stuff. she did it via a card in the post (which was lovely as its such a lovely thing to keep) I phoned her up so we could do the girly squelling stuff and jumping around my kitchen. reminds me of when she got engaged (officially) and when she told me that her and paul where getting married (unoffically) i nearly crashed my car. Im so excited I have to wear a purple dress. but I dont care. its a dress but eeekkkk.

I guess what the incoherent babble above talks about is the fact that I feel really honoured to be asked and I love her to pieces and can not wait to be able to share such a beautiful moment with her.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Joys from Childhood

A list of some of the coolest things I did/read/ate/watched when I was a kid (and still occassionally do)

- make a den in a woods somewhere

- Ronald Dahl books (no one can beat Fantastic Mr Fox)

- 1p sweets that actually cost a penny

- Etch 'a' sketches

- Each Peach Pear Plum

- Original disney Classics (none of this home on the range rubbish)

- Playdays

- Transformers (the orginal cartoon series)

- Blossom, Saved by the Bell, Brotherly love, different strokes, hang time - none of this modern rubbish

- POG's

- sharkie and George

- original pinkie and the brain

- football games in the road

- spending more time at my neighbours house than my own

- having a waterslide in the back garden

- water fights (inside the house)

-making dens inside the house with sheets using books and stools to prop it up

- Buffy (I was so in love with Xander)

- Laying in until 11

- The Spicegirls (Came out orginally in 1996 I was 8)

Band of Brothers

I do the lovefilm thing where I pay certain amount every month and then get movies sent to me on rental. I truely recommend it. I have ended up saving fortunes. I now can resist my urges to go into my overdraft when I go to Tesco and see the shining for £3.

I have recently been getting the Band of Brother series. Basically you follow a company of america airbourne soldiers and watch there advenures during World War two.

I know you shouldn't have favourites but I do. I guess the really shocking thing about the series is you watch them for 12 episodes and your glued to it to find out out of all these amazing characters who will make it until the end and the thing is you have no idea.

It is not like a thriller or a crime mystery. You can't work out the end. Its one of the most heart-renching, tense and surprisingly beautiful series I have seen in a long time. The way

(I say Beautiful because the teamwork, family and love these men have for one another is inspirational)

Its recommended greatly!!!!


essay - 2166 words done only another 944 left.

Then I have 4 essays left and a debate and Im done until September wooooooooooooooooooo (as amazing as that is the debate things are huge. (stage is there and everything) and al the essays are like 3500 words odd about painstakingly dull subjects so its not all optimism, but yey nearly done. blatently going to curl up tonight with a good movie and a glass of wine.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

I went for a drive

Today i went for a drive I was thinking about when you are little you get excited at the fact there are horses in a field or stars in the sky or a tractor. you ask that old lady walking past to stroke her dog or beg your mum for sweeties in the shop. (I used to sneek them in the trolley when she wasnt looking) Do you remember when the greatest day of your life was when your mum let you go to the park by yourself? or how exciting and how much fun it was when you first drove your car (or bike for those who cant drive yet)

When did that stop? when you hear stuff a lot or see things nearly everyday do you just get used to it so you pass up the wonder in it? Because it happens everyday you stop getting excited about such things.

I was wondering whether this could relate to Where Jesus tells us to be like little children. (Mark 10 v13-16)

I pray I never get so used to the everyday that I stop getting excited over the little things.

I want to be like you

I want to be like Jasper for his Brains
Or like Charlie’s for her perceptive skills
Or like Emily for her Faith
Or like Roseanna for her Guts
Or like Jodie for her Organisation
Or like Helen for her Spark
Or be as wise as Luke
Or to be like Abe for his Leadership skills
Or to be as beautiful as Penny
Or to have self-discipline like my mum
Or AJ’s Honesty
Or Rachel’s ability to withstand the knocks that keep being thrown at her
Or my brothers Charisma

I was listening to I want to be just like you (sorry not the Disney version) Here are some of the lyrics

“Got to admit I've got so far to goMake so many mistakes and I'm sure that You knowSometimes it seems no matter how hard I tryWith all the pressures in life I just can't get it all right”
The song talks about the pressures of life. This week I have put all my pressures aside and still I can’t get it right.

I was told ages ago that I was my own worse critic, but to be honest I don’t criticise myself enough. What an Amazing beautiful God that can forgive and Love this great big mess.

I like a guy (see earlier post) or more I thought I did but when it came down the crunch time of it I realised that it was nothing more than me trying to fill up my only loneliness. I don’t want a relationship like that. I don’t want to be in one just purely to satisfy my own needs.

Next thing is I either can’t stop eating or I don’t at all. Both extremities are not exactly ideal. I’m trying to satisfy my hunger for something more something greater.

So what’s the answer? God should be enough for me. I say should because at the moment I’m continually wanting. I’m not content or happy with what God has given me. I shouldn’t want to be like my friends and loved ones. I shouldn’t want so much food or a guy just purely because I am not satisfied fully. I shouldn’t want to look like Penny or Pretend to be someone or something that I’m not.

I should accept and celebrate in the fact that I don’t have the same abilities that my friends have or if I do have similar abilities he hasn’t given me them to the same degree. I even know why that is. Its because of the fact God has shaped me differently to them to achieve different things for him. I should celebrate in that not feel disappointed or envious.

Please pray that I Throw away all this unhelpful and negetive thoughts, idea's and wants so my eyes can stay just on him.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Five year olds are smart

so I have stolen this from soul survivor magazine. If you dont read it you should here are some inspirational stories.

In the city dump of Tegucigalpa in Honduras live hundreds of people who depend on the rubbish generated by wealthier people to survive. With a serious reputation for being a dangerous spot, you wouldn’t want to be caught in the area for too long.So what would you do if you found yourself staring into that dump? What sort of stuff would run through your mind as you watched the hundreds of children rummaging through the foul smelling mounds of rotten food and broken glass?

This is the situation Jeony Ordonez found himself in. Being with his five year old daughter, Chris, he figured it was safest to just get out of the area altogether. Sounds sensible……His daughter didn’t think so. She wanted to pray for the other children.

A few weeks later, on returning to the dump with her Dad, Chris (still five years old remember) was convinced God wanted her and her family to do something: she urged her father to put their prayers for these children into action.And so it began. One small girl, a few small words, a little prayer and the lives of all involved are changed.

For the next six months the Ordonez family visited the dump community every day to build relationships and trust. After a while they started to provide education for the children of the dump and soon they started afternoon school classes right amongst the ‘rubbish’.

Four years later and the ‘Love and Faith’ school brings the hope of a brighter future to 75 dump children and their families. They are just about to move in to their first covered classroom in a site just outside the dump, and a growing number of kids and their families are encountering Jesus as part of the local church where Jeony is Pastor.

Just one prayer translated into action… that’s all just see what can happen.


essays are boring!!!!!!!! only another 5 and a half assignments left and im done until september. so bored!!!!!! cant really complain Im learning a lot about New Labour and PCT's and what measures were taken to intergrate health care and social care in regards to mental illness. Ok that is rather dull.

Stealing from AJ

Abbi did this and I decided to try it myself. SLightly gutted at the fact that Bridget Jones made the top 100 whats up with that... are the top 100 books that must be read (and a * by the ones I have read/am currently reading so far!!)

1.Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen*
2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien* (I have read the first one, never got round to the others)
3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling *
5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee*
6 The Bible *
7 Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte *
8 Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell *
9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman
10 Great Expectations - Charles Dickens*
11 Little Women - Louisa M Alcott *
12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
13 Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
14 Complete Works of Shakespeare * (some... sure I havent read all of it)
15 Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier
16 The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien*
17 Birdsong - Sebastian Faulk*
18 Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger*
19 The Time Traveller’s Wife - Audrey Niffenegger*
20 Middlemarch - George Eliot
21 Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
22 The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald *
23 Bleak House - Charles Dickens
24 War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy
25 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams*
26 Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
27 Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
28 Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck*
29 Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll *
30 The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
31 Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
32 David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
33 Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis *
34 Emma - Jane Austen
35 Persuasion - Jane Austen *
36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis *
37 The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini*
38 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres
39 Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden *
40 Winnie the Pooh - AA Milne *
41 Animal Farm - George Orwell*
42 The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown *
43 One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
44 A Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving
45 The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
46 Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery
47 Far From The Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy
48 The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood
49 Lord of the Flies - William Golding*
50 Atonement - Ian McEwan*
51 Life of Pi - Yann Martel*
52 Dune - Frank Herbert
53 Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons
54 Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen*
55 A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth
56 The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zifon
57 A Tale Of Two Cities - Charles Dickens
58 Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Mark Haddon*
60 Love In The Time Of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
61 Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck *
62 Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
63 The Secret History - Donna Tartt
64 The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold*
65 Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
66 On The Road - Jack Kerouac
67 Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy
68 Bridget Jones’s Diary - Helen Fielding*
69 Midnight’s Children - Salman Rushdie
70 Moby Dick - Herman Melville*
71 Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
72 Dracula - Bram Stoker *
73 The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett*
74 Notes From A Small Island - Bill Bryson*
75 Ulysses - James Joyce
76 The Inferno - Dante
77 Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome
78 Germinal - Emile Zola
79 Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray
80 Possession - AS Byatt
81 A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
82 Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell*
83 The Color Purple - Alice Walker*
84 The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
85 Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
86 A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
87 Charlotte’s Web - EB White *
88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom *
89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
90 The Faraway Tree Collection - Enid Blyton
91 Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad *
92 The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
93 The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks *
94 Watership Down - Richard Adams *
95 A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
96 A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute
97 The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas*
98 Hamlet - William Shakespeare *
99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factoy - Roald Dahl*
100 Les Miserables - Victor Hugo

Ok not quite half way 47 plus- the Lord of the rings one too. If your like me and just trying to procastinate give it a go.

Saturday, 14 March 2009


So as you can proberly tell uni essay writing isn't going to well.

I haven't left it to the last minute which hopefully means I have learnt my lesson (thank you God)

I have a friend who is not exactly living as God would want her too. We have sat down and talked about it but still she continues to do it.

I felt hurt and disappointed at the fact that my friend struggles so much with it and that it continues. I know and I understand her motivation behind it but I still feel hurt. It made me question a lot of things.

Do I have a right to be hurt? Why am I feeling hurt?

I then thought about the times I have disappointed people and hurt them, how upset and annoyed I get for hurting the people I care about. Does she feel the same?

What about God in all this? Sometimes he seems distance? sometimes he seem's far away and like he is not listening? but How many times do we break his heart? How many times do we not care? How many times do we hide behind our excuses and our insecurities and end up disappointing him? How many times are we tired? or we make him the last thought in the day?

I know most of you have heard it all before (in fact I think all of you have) but When we do right Gods sings over us. we make him so happy he sings. (Zephaniah 3 v 18) We can do a lot wrong but with Gods help we can do some good too.

My friend Mim gave me this analogy about how god can use us.

A dad has a young son. he brings home a flatpack wardrobe (possibly IKEA) for the Son's bedroom. The Dad could put together the wardrobe in two seconds flat. He doesn't need help doing it. He has put together things like this countless times.

He realises that It will take him a lot longer but he decides to let his son help build it. He guides his son through the instructions, through putting the base together and assembling the doors.

The Son now an Adult (and a Carpenter) remembers putting that wardrobe together with his dad. remembers how to put a base together and how to assemble the doors. The dad didn't need his sons help, he wanted it.

so my weeks been dull

Majorly. I have been so lazy but more about that later. Im annoyed at myself and Im going to babble about it in a bit.

Highlights have been -

Sleeping in until 4
Rocksolid (which is usually a highlight tbh)
Talking to Jasper on the phone,
Talking to Emily on the phone,
Having the guys at Rocksolid show me there favourite bibleverse's
Seeing the Sunset today
Did a bible study on Revelations, (Very confusing but my head is getting around it... ish)
Filling in my missiondirect form
Seeing an Irish band
A possible chance to go and see U2 in Concert (so Excited!!!!!)
Dancing around my room to Blondie
writing 3000 word essay (or more attempting too)
Facebook Stalking
Meeting with Luke (which followed with MacDonalds)
Discovering that on FX they have Buffy reruns on everyday
Getting a very encouraging text message from Gemma
Having a Godly moment with the joys of youtube
Hearing Helens Voice (via voicemail as both of us so far have failed to reach the other one when they havent been doing something) Love you though x
Getting a larger overdraft (wooooo)

Ok so now after doing that, I retract by Title statement.

Its been a good week full of Gods blessings.

I haven't gone hungry, I haven't been struck down by disease, nor has anyone died. (which I feel is a definate bonus) Praise God for that!!!

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

check this out

watched this at a ridiculous time but its amazing. hope it encourages all who watch it. had me praising my king!!!

if that doesn't work go to tangle and type in the search bar thats my king. click the first one

Monday, 2 March 2009


Check out the band called rush of fools. I really quite like them!!!! I get to see Laura tommorrow and I had an amazing weekend with the guys from Rock Solid.

I really wish it didnt have to end. I had so much fun with them all. I would not say that its better than Recharge but It was different. different enviornment, different themes and different things to get out of it.

I got pushed over in the mud at least 5000000 times and I actually think I spent the whole weekend laughing. When asked what our favourite bit was I can honestly say I dont have one as all of it was AMAZING.

Prayer requests for those guys who committed for the first time and recommitted to becoming a christian that they stay strong against attacks of the devil and that they be filled with the holy spirit daily and build a firm relationship with our Lord. Also that The relationships that were formed and defined would continue to go on.

Now its to a backlog of University work, Planning sessions with Luke and meeting up with the vast amount of friends that I have managed to neglect recently (love you guys)

Wednesday, 25 February 2009


I love the fact I am a mess.

I have done a whole art piece on being a mess. A Collage sort of thing (Im not one of the finalists in art competition I swear, Nice terminology) using the contence of my rubbish bin.

looks pretty.

God deals with Mess. He likes it. He shapes and forms Rubbish into something beautiful. Thats what he does with us. Sometimes we try to tidy up but all we do is make more of a mess.

Leave it to God. he is better than us at hoovering.

Names of God

A while ago someone inspired me to find out about a lot of the different 'names' God has been given through out the bible. here is a list of just some of them.

I hope as you read through them. you feel inspired and encouraged as you can see part of Gods character just simply throughout his names. I hope it leaves you praising him.


“The Name of the Lord is a strong tower: The righteous run to it and are safe”
















(also check out Paul Baloches' tune 'Your Name')

Monday, 23 February 2009

food poisioning

I have decided there is nothing fun about being Ill. Especially when its all down to Sausage and Mash!!!!

Some people see retirement as a joy being able to lay infront of the TV all day watching Trash and getting fat. Laying in until 11.

I hate it!!!!!!!!! I realise one of my main problems is sitting still. I dont concentrate in lectures without taking notes. I cant read without music blaring. Im a fidgiter. Even when we go to the pub I peel the label of my J2O bottle just so I am doing something. Im trying to work out why that is.

Over the last 48 hours I have slept 35 of them. I have nearly fainted, thrown up my own body weight (which I realise is impossible I just wrote that for dramatic effect) and watched the sound of music for the first time in my life. ( i now realised the toture that my mother was protecting me from all those years)

I also know all I am doing is feeling sorry for myself and being stupid. but I have also realised just how inspiring and encouraging I find Jackie and my mum.

Jackie, Never complains about her disease. she only ever mentions to people when she is in pain to get them to pray for her. Her mind and Heart is set completely on God's Incredible Grace. She says strong. She inspires me how she has come to terms with her illness and her faith in Gods Will and his plan for her life. I go to homegroup with this women. Our homegroup is like a family. you see people at there best and there worst she never complains, Never grumbles she just continues to praise God and serve him by serving others.

Next is my mum, She ate the dreaded Sausage and Mash with the Cameralised Onion Gravy too and although we shared a day feeling sorry for ourselfs. my mum got up this morning and went to work. she got on with it. honestly I feel like I can say I know how she is feeling and I am amazed at her. I dont know anyone who is less selfish or more hardworking than her.

I aspire to be more liek these women. I am now getting off my bum. going to go and have a shower, stop feeling sorry for myself and try to hold down a meal.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

taking for granted....

Did you ever wonder about just how much stuff you take for granted?

To be honest a lot of the time I don't feel appresiated. A lot of the stuff I do I don't do it so that I feel appresiated and loved etc etc I do it for God and for the other people around me. I just wish that people would say thank you.

While I was thinking about this I was wondering all the stuff I take for Granted. like its all fair and good me saying that but how many times to I do it. How many times do I not say Thank you for something?

I think the worst part of it is God. I feel he never truely gets as much thanks as he deserves.
I was doing my chill out with God time and I put music on. It hit me I couldn't imagine being deaf. Not being able to hear the ocean when the waves roll in. Or be able to hear children laughing. or even your favourite music.

what about sight. The view from outside my window is amazing especially when the sun sets. Imagine not being able to see your childs face when you first gve birth to them or have no idea what a smile looked like.

I was working out how difficult drinking would be without glasses (Yes, I am sure the smart ones among you could refer to Gideons adventures in Judges) or what my life would be without my friends. Or even for the fact that I know God. Even without the promise of heaven being my home the fact I know him and I have a relationship with him is the greatest gift in all of the world.

Parents how many times have I got annoyed by them or hurt them but really I am so fortunate by having them. my prayer is that God opens my eyes to the people and the stuff I take for Granted and I have the wisdom to remember to say thank you for things just so other people feel appresiated.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


I never know how to start things like this so this is a bit of the ever expanding story of the stuff God is doing in my life and how I became a Christian. It talks about how incredible God was even before I became a Christian and how he is and continually shaping me to become the person He wants me to be. All Glory to him.

I decided to start with my learning Difficulties (most of this is gathered from stories my parents have told me as I have very little memories until secondary school)

After reception my teachers and parents had conversations about how it is a possibility that I have dyslexia. She suggested to my mum that I had the official test. My mum refused (something I am so thankful off) she did not want a label to be placed around my neck. At the time I would be separated from my class mates and be excluded from most of the lessons. I had already been beaten up at school once and by being labelled as ‘special’ was something my parents didn’t want me to have to go through. They insisted I would grow out of it.

My parents had more meetings with my teachers about possibly putting me down a year. Apparently if I wasn’t put down a year statistics said I would have very little chance at even reaching my GCSE’s and apparently even with extra tuition and specialised help I had next to nothing chance of going to university.

My mum again refused and alongside a very determined teacher I was given extra work. I spent 2 hours on it after school a night

The rest until secondary school remains a huge blur really.

Gradually as I got older my parents worked more and more at there business we went on some very extravagant holidays and were richly blessed by some amazing opportunities. However I can not remember during this time ever having them pick me up from school or having a family meal or a day out.

By the time I reached Secondary School my learning problems had sort of dissolved into just working hard still even now I have to reread things and it takes twice as long to learn things than anything else.

As I reached Secondary school, and my parents were no longer around so much due to the business a member of my family started to attack me.

They would try wrestling moves on me, or see how far they could push me to annoy me. The second I tried to fight back the worse it got.

They had games with baseball bats, chairs and knifes.

One of there favourite was sitting on my back and pulling my head back. ( a famous wrestling move called the crippler)

Another example of what it was like is that one night in the early hours they snuck into my room and climbed on top of me threatening me, I can remember them slapping me saying how worthless I was and that how they was going to kill me and no one would care. They wouldn’t get off of me they just kept yelling at me how fat and ugly I was and how no one could ever love me. I tried to get them off of me and this angered them more they grasped my bedside lamp ( that had been on for about 5 hours) and put it against my skin.

My skin then melted and got stuck to the lamp. When the lamp was taken off. It ripped my skin off with it as well.

(Sorry I know it’s horrific. It makes me incredibly uncomfortable to write this down and it scares me a lot to talk about it, and its petrifying trying to work out what must be going through your head now.)

I spent years avoiding home, when I was there, I was scared, alone and practically helpless.

They used to try to do other stuff too, and I felt dirty and wrong and ashamed. My body is covered in scars even my breasts. I was hospitalised many times for cuts and bruises. I had stitches. False teeth all sorts.

But the stuff that affects me most is the psychological junk I was left with. they told lies to me that I still to this day, believe (I am working on it.) they told me I was useless and that no one would ever like me let alone love me. That no one cares about me and no one will ever love me for who I am.

I was seen as worthless and that I was never going to be good enough so I covered my life up with lies and exaggerations that eventually became part of who I am.

I put up Barriers around my heart not letting anyone get to close encase they find the real me and don’t like it.

My parents knew but didn’t realise the extent because they weren’t around much.

Unfortunately the way my parents are reconfirmed the lies I was told. My parent’s have a very strong work ethic. They are always wanting me to do more and expecting more of me which is a good thing. They always wanted me to be the best that I could be. I can remember the specific occasions they have said well done or that they are proud of me just because it was a rarity.

My parents are incredibly strong and I have never heard them say sorry nor give sympathy. Goodness I make them sounds awful. They are not it was just there up bringing.

When I spoke to my dad about my Teenage years his response was that it didn’t happen “He wouldn’t let that happen”

This continued on and on for many years.

Just after my parent’s 25th wedding anniversary.

My grandpa developed myeloma (a type of cancer of the blood) this devastated my family. My mum bottled everything up and became a machine.

So secondary school sucked majorly. I was getting bullied at school, my Grandpa became sicker and sicker, I was getting bullied at home and the tension in my house could be cut by a knife.

I then met Helen. The first time I met her we sat down and had a conversation at whose life sucked more. Amazingly I could be honest with her. She is the closest person at breaking down the barriers in my heart as to date. But the conversation with her just seemed so natural. Something which still remains a complete miracle in my eyes.

Helen was different she had this spark that when she walked into the room everyone noticed. She was a real girl, always in a skirt getting all the boys she wanted and had a confidence to speak. Helen liked to be the centre of attention whereas I was the opposite. Hiding in the corner, goofy.

As our friendship developed she took me to meet some of her church friends; I was so scared so nervous. We went to the cinema and this day still remains one of the highlights of my life. One girl, half rugby tackled me to the ground due to hugging me. I never really hugged anyone before this day. To me this was so weird; here I had a girl hugging me a complete stranger. She was hugging me.

We went to the cinema and I completely loved it, this people were so different it was like they loved me straight away I didn’t have to say anything or do anything they just cared. I never had that before the feeling that someone cared.

I stayed over Helen’s house that night and it was crazy. There were 6 kids and her mum was heavily pregnant with the next one. It was chaotic and so full of life and love, the older ones were helping the younger ones, and the younger ones wanted hugs and attention from the older ones. Helen had told me about the fights they had but what I could see was the opposite of my family and I loved it.

So I went to church for the first time. it came as a shock the fact there wasn’t any pews or hymn type songs. Didn’t pay any attention at all to the talks. I liked Joe so I kept going to church. It was a great excuse to see more of these amazing infectious people.

I still felt like I didn’t belong. I always hide the fact that I wasn’t a Christian. I was so scared that if these people knew the truth. My new friends would abandon me and I wanted to prove myself. So I put on an act pretended that I was just like them, hoping just to belong.

After time I realised that I still had this hole in my heart and I needed more. I started hanging out with a different group of friends at school and got myself a boyfriend called Geoff.

Geoff and I were close, we got on so well and he was so sweet and funny. I made friends with his friends and got close to a group of blokes from different background. I felt weird like I had put on a mask and I was part of a group.

I wasn’t an outsider which to be honest I had always felt like at church. Everyone else had grown up there or had a relative there Joe was one of the Georges. Helen was a Sare, me I was alone. In this group it wasn’t like that I wasn’t just one of Helens friends I was counted, I was one of them. I and Geoff got closer and closer.

I still occasionally went to Gap, or Church but to be honest the connection and fun wasn’t there anymore. I had to cause tension with my mum or depend on the Sare’s to get me there and back and I hated that.

I told my friends that it was the fact I had to work but it wasn’t. It was that when I was there it was like looking in to somebody else’s life through a closed door. Whenever I was there I felt like everyone else had something that just I didn’t have.

So I sank further and further into my new friends who would fight for me and more than occasionally did.

On the 21st of April 2004 My Grandpa died.

We knew he was going to die, On the Friday I had of school and he was still walking around fighting the agonising pain in his bones still pretending there was nothing wrong, trying to protect us I guess.

On the Saturday his 104 year old mum came to visit him. He was so weak she had to climb out of her wheel chair in order to hug him.

On the Sunday I went to work. He asked for me and I wasn’t there. It was the first day in his entire life that he had never gotten out of bed.

Monday morning at about 5 am we got a phone call and went over to my grandparents house. At 7.05 he was dead; we all sat around his bed. I hid in the door way behind my brother.

(I am going to apologise for the next few paragraphs I am hoping that by trying to describe how it felt to you. You might give me some small justification for the things I did next.)

I watched someone take there last breath I saw him draw in air and seeing it never come out again. I watched his hair fall out slowly and I watched this incredible person I loved so much turn slowly yellow as his liver packed in. I dealt with fainting, fits, hospital trips, throwing up blood, and wheel chairs. Last dances, promises being broken and watched my family fall apart. I watched someone die. You see people die in films and it’s never realistic. It is never like that.

We all spent some time with his body alone, when it came round to my turn I lost it!!!!! I had been going to church, been praying, and learning bits of the bible and for what. He had died anyway.

Why should I live my life without getting drunk? Without having sex with Geoff? Without trying drugs? Why not when the people I love get hurt anyway.

The individual who is remaining nameless got more violent taking his anger and pain out on me, while I got into drugs (cannabis, poppers and snorted some coke but only did that a couple of times) drinking and having fun. I got into fist fights outside of my home life just trying to find something that would release some of the anger and pain that I experienced.

Geoff and my group of lads became a little group. All of us had somehow become excluded from what seemed like everyone else’s world. So we stuck together. We did stupid stuff from starting fights, to drugs. Luckily I never had sex with Geoff, I loved him and he loved me but we always stopped ourselves. I needed him; and with the joy of hindsight I can see that he was the only real thing I had. Everything else sped by at what felt like double speed. Geoff was real when I got annoyed or upset or lost my temper he knew exactly what to do.

I knuckled down for my GCSE’s. Geoff helped. He was hospitalised due to s pretty awlful football match and we grew closer and closer

I passed all 10. Grade C and above. Not bad for someone who apparently didn’t stand a chance at it?

The Prom this was like torture. The gang had spilt. One of the girls had slept with about 3 of the boys causing a huge rift within the group. At that point I left, Geoff came too as did several of the others.

I still see Geoff and Chris but I don’t see the others.

I decided I wanted to become a Christian somewhere between July and the end of August. I was waiting for a bus to go to Huntingdon in my village and there was this tree and it was one of those idyllic days sun was shinning and it was just good.

I later told Helen about my decision later on in our legendary trip to America. I can’t remember any massive change or effect. I just grew up.

At the end of the summer, Geoff and I broke up. The reasons for I have no idea I just didn’t feel it any more. With the joys of hindsight I wonder now if things would be any different if we stayed together. God gave me Geoff to keep me sane and stop me from doing anything to stupid once I was out of that place that relationship was no longer needed

we went to do our A Levels and still remain friends to this day. I built my relationships up again with my friends at church and I belonged.

The Older generation still didn’t pay me a great deal of attention. My the individual had backed off as with my new found confidence. I could fight back and this time not with my fists. I could do it with my words. The abuse at that point then stopped.

I gradually realised that it was all right to cry and he healed me for the pain I was feeling.

With my new found faith stuff with my parents got worse. My Parents aren't Christians so because I got a lot more outspoken about it. My parents didn’t react well to it as I was learning so much and getting more and more excited about Jesus as my walk continued. My parents just saw it as a load of rubbish. I got a lot of the ‘Your brainwashed' stuff and it broke my heart. I felt distant from them and like I had to choose either my faith or them. it felt like my choice had distanced us even more.

The Second time at Soul Survivor God gave me forgiveness for the person who bullied me for so many years and gave me peace about our relationship. I also decided to take a gap year. I had gotten into 7 different universitys something that the 'professionals' said was impossible. The Gap year was such‘Godism’ (something God does) I knew that it would tear my family apart more and it did. The consequences of this were awful.

They refused fully to have anything to do with church. The fights were horrific. I had very little support I was being attacked from ever direction by the devil. One member of my family offered me a substantial amount of money not to do it.

Although I was going through so much difficulty at home, God blessed me richly during this year I started helping out at the youth persons club where I met these incredibly special kids. I completely fell in love. I felt great about the stuff I was doing with these kids. He put me a support system in place and my faith grew largely this year as well as my knowledge. I learnt a lot about perseverance.

Helen and I had a huge row and our friendship faltered for 3 months which was a huge blow. With all this pressure and the fights with my parents I battled with a lot of suicidal thought.

On one Sunday I had planned to run myself into a tree. I wrote notes to my parents, planned it out perfectly. I even handed Helen my diary so hopefully she would understand why I did what I did. So I left for church.

After the service Cassie (a girl from RNA) told me that she loved me. I changed my mind as soon as she walked away. I imagined Steph trying to explain to them what I did and why?

Then when I came back, Helen was on my doorstep. We made up much to my resentment. She was sorry and so was I. our time apart taught me that I didn’t need Helen but I wanted her. I only need God.

I gradually became part of the church and started to feel at home there. now as I am writing this I can't imagine being anywhere else.

Soul Survivor is an amazing place. the following year God took me through all the stuff again about what happened.

For the first time that I can remember I was a child, I sat there crying my eyes out, going through all the torment and fear my family brought into my life. This time though I was crying. this time I was letting it out, this time I showed my emotions.

I was curled up begging God to protect me. I curled up into a little ball and cried my eyes out. I kept crying 2 things in particular first were begging him not to let him near me over and over again. I said I kind of went through it all again in mind but it was weird I couldn’t see it all I could see were these eyes that petrified me and just the feeling of fear and the only few words that kept continually going through my mind were don’t let him near me, don’t let him touch me please god don’t let him near me. I knew I was at soul survivor I know I was in that tent with so many people but the fear was so real. It felt so real. I was so scared I am getting Goosebumps even now thinking about it I was petrified. It was making me cry even more.

A lady from the enabling team came over and she was praying and she just knew instantly she knew all the details and was telling me stuff about my life. She encouraged me to tell someone. God told me that he would protect me and slowly but surely God is working through my issues with me. the following year a similar thing happened he allowed me to realise more of the pain and promised me that I would never be haunted by this stuff again.

and It is true this year has been amazing. I’m discovering who I am and who God wants me to be, My insecurities are slowly but surely being removed and who I am in him. Im free to be myself and Im trying to embrace that. hek I went out in a skirt the other day because I felt like it.

Every day I am doing more and more and learning more and more about who I am in God. Who would of thought that a shy, little girl could preach Gods word.

I used to beg God not to send me home after stuff like Soul Survivor but I was given Mark 5 and the story of Legion. He also begged to stay with him but Jesus sent him out to go and preach, to go and make Him Known. To go and make disciples, to go and give God glory. That is the aim for my life to bring my lord Glory.

God brought me through so much and so many stories and I could write pages at how incredible God has been to me. I hope this might inspire you to sing his praises.

I was Beaten, Bullied, Broken and Bruised but in him I was made whole.


I used to think that the motivation behind something was important in defining the act.

so for example If you are late for something surely the reason why you are late is an important factor. I am late because I was helping my Mum.

having a valid reason still doesn't make the act any better.

I realised recently that in arguements, people are hurting in them. nothing else should matter. The motivations, that wrongs they have done to you, the wrongs you have done to them. If you care about people and they are hurting surely you should overlook all of that just to make things right again.

People aren't perfect. Im late for everything because I do so much for so many people I always end up cutting stuff short without breakfast or dinner. Im always up until early hours in the morning catching up with uni work etc because I have an inability to say no to people and then I wake up late. but this is just an example the reasoning behind it is not important the point still is that I am late.

The motivation and reasons behind the Act no not make the Act ok.

Friday, 13 February 2009


Everyone was waiting for this one Im sure. I hate valentines day. my intire life I have doubted I am loved so when It happens (not if, when see) I hope that they not just have to have one stupid day a year to tell me that I am loved.

I like a boy (alot) Its a bit of a big deal just because I havent liked a boy properly for a very long time. I decided to not get into a relationship with any one as I felt I had to sort myself out a bit first (We are working on it) Why go in guns blazzing without knowing precisely what you want and waste a good friendship? I get serious girl face over this guy and most the time I want to jump on him and kiss him (like 99% of the time) luckily resisting the urges.

So relationships whats the key currently.

I have one friend who is completely loved up and engaged (wooooooo so excited) and another one whose heart was smashed. One where she dumped the guy she is in love with because he wasn't a christian.

God puts people together because they want them to do his work. To rely on each other. keep them accountable, to look after each other and to encourage each other. You should be able to have fun, to cry and to talk about anything a connection so strong that you know when something is off with the other one even a milion miles away.

In the relationship it should be a triangle. you, the other person and god. When speaking to various married people. they said they just knew it was right. They didnt have to pretend they were just them and that was ok. They knew that it was right. sort of like how you have your friends and then you have your friends those people who you can sit in silence with, those people who can tell when your annoyed and who tell you when your being an idiot. only its amplified.

SO I like a boy. I dunno if I want to see were it goes. It makes me sad when im not with him and I act like a girl. He makes me want to be a better person and is such a god given gift. (as just a friend if not more) so do I want this sort of relationship amplified? Am I ready for it? Does he want it? I havent felt this in a long time and to fall so heavy its a big thing. Do I want to let him in to rachels emotional bubble in which no one is allowed in? does he want to come in? do I really know him? am I in the right place? is he in the right place?

It would be easier not to like this person. If it wasnt complicated enough his brother blatenly likes me. Definatly not cool.


Do you ever find that the person you are annoyed at the most is yourself?

I have a friend I wont say who. but they had anything that makes them sad. they dont debate with people as it makes them feel down. they don't watch sad movies. they are set on having fun. I completely admire this person. althoughit just rise questions in me I admire the childlike nature of just having fun and celebrating the fact that god gives us laughter.

I am an optimist with anything that doesnt involve myself. I love the world around me. I love God and I have an amazing life. so why still aren't I happy. I hear time and time again that God completes your life he fills that gapeing hole in you, and he does. Just why do we still always want more. Is happiness really just being content with what you have? as in happiness not wanting more?

Over my travels I have seen people who have next to nothing yet they are happy. I want to be a person who can lose everything but still praise GOd, to still be happy just to have him. to praise god for the laughter.